Emil Salto, "Untitled (Fission)", Acrylic & beeswax crayon on cotton canvas over canvas, 80x60 cm, 2024, in the collection of The Danish Arts Foundation (Statens Kunstfond)

Extra Lys, gæsteudstiller hos Decembristerne, Den Frie udstillingsbygning, 30. November 2024 (G)
DREAMS & DESIRES II, Galleri Maria Friis, Opening June 28 - September 7, 2024
Groupshow with Al Masson, Astrid Svangren, Biba Fibiger, Dyveke Bredsdorff, Emil Salto, Jytte Høj, Nina Sunders, Nour Fog, Orsolya Bagala, Sian Kristoffersen and Tore Hallas.

Dailies,, Bladr, Copenhagen
Enter Art Fair, Galleri Maria Friis, København, 2024
Dailies,Soloshow, Bladr, Copenhagen, June 13 - June 29. 2024
Devices @ Selected Projects - 3daysofdesign, STATENS VÆRKSTEDER FOR KUNST, Copenhagen, June 12- 14, 2024

Blank. Raw. Illegible... Artists' Books as Statements (1960-2022) Leopold-Hoesch-Museum, Curated by Moritz Küng, with Marcel Broodthaers, Olafur Eliasson, Sol LeWitt, Martin Kippenberger, Piero Manzoni, Bruce Nauman, Olaf Nicolai, Ed Ruscha, Simon Starling, Heimo Zobernig A.O Germany, May 14 – September 3, 2023

Argument, Integrated art project, The Niels Bohr Building, Copenhagen,
Public Commission by Bygst (The Danish Building & Property Agency), Inauguration 2023

Hold Up, OBA x Libro vivo, University Iuav di Venezia, May 2019

One hand and the other, new lithographic work and artistbook release, Officin, Copenhagen September 14- October 6, 2018
Peephole Cinema, May 15 - July 1, 2018, San Francisco

Copenhagen Photo Festival, Photo City, 2018

"unfolded hypercubes" Installed at Golsa, Oslo, 2018

Milkshake 3, GOLSA, Oslo, March 2. - March 23, 2018,
with Linn Pedersen (SE), Emil Salto (DK), Hannah Whitaker (US), Ole Martin Lund Bø (NO), Espen Gleditsch (NO)

Stafett, Printed Matter project, Fotogalleriet, Oslo, 8.feb 2018 with Line Selander, Mattias Härenstam, Nina Strand.

Art Miami, with Nikola Rukaj Gallery, Miami, US, Dec 5 - 10. 2017
DEVICES, Soloshow, Fotogalleriet [format], Malmø, Sweden, Mai 12 - June 18. 2017
GR-09022017 / Golden Record, Printed Matter project. with Pipilotti Rist, Wolfgang Tilmanns, Tracey Moffat, Lisa Oppenheim A.O
Fotogalleriet, Olso, Norway, february 2017
Interview with curator Silja Leifsdottir in Objektiv

Echoes, Integrated art project, Helios Cinema- & Culture Centre, Faaborg, Denmark, Inauguration October 30, 2016, Public Commission by The Danish Art foundation
Ugens Kunstner / Artist of the Week, kunsten.nu
Museum Pist Protta, Groupshow, Kunsthal Charlottenborg, Copenhagen, 16. september - 6. november, 2016
Dislocating Surfaces - New Scandinavian Photography, Groupshow with Kamilla Langeland, Sandra Vaka Olsen, Linn Pedersen, Flemming Ove Bech a.o, Kunstnernes Hus, Oslo, Norway, May 13 - June 26, 2016
Reality Perceived, Groupshow with Emil Salto, Jeppe Hein, Ferdinand Ahm Krag, Astrid Myntekær, Ebbe Stub Wittrup a.o, Curated by Jonas Hvid Søndergaard & Svend Sømod, Galleri Christoffer Egelund, Copenhagen, March 11 - April 9, 2016
Hello Walls!, Groupshow with Taiyo Onorato & Nico Krebs, Adam Jeppesen, Jakob Hunosøe a.o, Peter Lav Gallery, Copenhagen, November 20 - January 30, 2016

After the Light, Duo show with Ian Whittlesea at SixtyEight, Copenhagen, Curated by Iben Elmstrom & Louise Chignac, November 6 - December 5. 2015
Paris Photo 12-15.Nov Grand Palais, Paris, 2015
Layers, Soloshow at Peter Lav Gallery, Copenhagen, August 14 - September 26, 2015
(Performing in the dark, Interview at Kopenhagen.dk)
Chart Art Fair (w. Peter Lav Gallery), Charlottenborg, Copenhagen, August 21 - 23, 2015

Light Forms, Solo Exhibition at SECCA, Southeastern Center for Contemporary Art, North Carolina, US, October 14 2014 - January 5 2015
(Review by Tom Patterson, Journal Now)

One Hand, and the Other, new artist book published by Cornerkiosk press
Online at Printed Matter, NYC, Konst-ig, Stockholm and Melk, Oslo
(Mentions in Hyperallergic.com and Kunstkrikk.dk)

Emil Salto: Light Forms, New book Produced by the Southeastern Center for Contemporary Art (SECCA), US, in collaboration with Revolver Publishing, Berlin, 2015
(Online at Revolver publishing)

Abstract cloud, curved line, prism, nothing, Solo Exhibition at Image, Århus, DK, October 31 - December 21, 2014

Vi tager intet ansvar 3, Nov 30 - Dec 2 2014, Udstillngstedet Q, Copenhagen

Jonas Julekort, Dec 5 -, Atelier September, Copenhagen

One Hand, and the Other, new artist book will be launched at NYABF by Cornerkiosk press, September 26-28, PS-1, New York

To re-create an Artmachine, (At genskabe en kunstmaskine), Feature in Objektiv, No. 9, Norway, 2014

5 Danes, January 11 - May 1 2014, Groupshow, Hurra, Los Angeles

2014 Frames: Projecting International Photography, Glasgow, Scotland, April, 2014

Artissima, Torino, Italy, 8/11 - 10/11, 2013

The Flood Wall, Manifesto Festival, Toulouse, 28/9, 2013

Opening Show / New Space, Henningsen Gallery, Copenhagen, 28/8 - 2/10, 2013

The Flood Wall II, exp12, Berlin, 22/6 - 28/7 2013

Contribution in Next Level Magazine, Copenhagen Edition, London, April 2013
link: www.nextleveluk.com

Untitled Drama
09/11 2012 - 9/12 2012, Solo exhibition at Melk, Oslo
Reviews (in norwegian) here at KunstKritikk
& here at Kunstforum

Nofound, 2012
16 - 19/11-2012, Paris

Public filmscreening at Kiasma Theatre, Helsinki, Finland. July 29. 2012 Curated by Necmi Sönmez / HIAP curatorial residencies

2 - 7 July 2012, Participating at Festival Voies Off, Arles, France, "La Photographie du Nord"
Curated by Elina Heikka & Anna-Kaisa Rastenberger, The Finnish Museum of Photography, Helsinki, Finland.

Volta8, Basel 11/06 - 16/06 2012

Book Review of "Mute Science" in Objektiv, Tidsskrift for Kamerabaseret Kunst, Norway

Solo Presentation at Volta NY, New York 08/03 2012 - 11/03 2012

Emil Salto Vs. Rasmus Rosengaard
06/01 2012 - 29/01 2012, Danske Grafikeres Hus (Center for Danish Lithographic Artists), Copenhagen

Aethers through Squares
11/11 2011 - 17/12 2011, Solo exhibition, henningsen gallery, Copenhagen

Mute Science artistbook released 25/11 2011 by Revovler Publishing
link: revolver-books.de

Contribution in Spesial Nord Nr 3, «Hidden Matter» a Private Collection
Release & Exhibition at Galleri Trafo, Asker, Norway, September 17.2011
link: spesialnord.com/

LOOP Festival
11/5 - 21/5 2011, Barcelona
link: loop-barcelona.com

28/4, 17-22 pm At Fabrikken for Kunst og Design
link: byobworldwide.com

Pist Protta de første 50 år
10.5 - 29.5 2011 Overgaden, Cph
17.3 - 3.4 2011 Århus Kunstbygning
4.2 - 13.3 2011 Kunsthallen Brandts
Cross Field, ParisConcret
05/02 2011 - 26.02 2011, Paris
Michael Mørk, Emil Salto, Troels Sandegård, Ebbe Stup Wittrup.
exhibition text by trine møller madsen (eng/fr)
link: parisconcret.org
Værker af ekstraordinært smukke kunstnere
03/12 2010 - 14/01 2011, TTC Gallery, Copenhagen
m/ Tove Storch, Mette Winckelmann, Randi & Katrine, Jesper Dyrehauge o.a
link: ttcgallery.com
Et forsøgs teater
12/11 2010 - 11/12 2010, Henningsen Contemporary, Copenhagen
Lea Porsager, Peter Brandes & Emil Salto
Pist Protta 69, 1.11 2010
Mute Science works, texts by Gerd Laugesen